Thursday, October 28, 2010

Be proud about your accomplishments

If you've ever tried a new diet or workout regimen and have ever felt embarrassed or discouraged because of other people's remarks....well this is to you. I recently had a conversation with my sister, who is in the process of losing some weight (she's lost 45 pounds so far so proud!), and we talked about her work atmosphere. She's currently working at an office job where she enjoys the financial benefits right now but she doesn't see herself working there in the future. She's been losing weight via a low-carb diet which has helped her lose the starting weight but now she's in the process of changing her mindset (hopefully with my help) into more of an every day lifestyle. Ok, back to the point. Well, my sister has begun to eat more regularly as she is hypoglycemic and needs meals to stabilize her blood sugar and so she will take a 10 min break at work to grab a quick clean meal. Her taking a break to grab a snack has prompted some of her co-workers to make remarks that seriously were just uncalled for. Have you ever been through this? I certainly have. I feel like people who aren't doing something positive in their life love to just talk and bring others who are down. The point when this happens you need to remember why you are doing your new change. When I get comments about the "weird" foods I eat or how crazy I am to do my spin classes etc I think that I'm not doing this for them. I eat, workout, and practice golf every day for me. So I think you should be proud of the little everyday accomplishments you do to better yourself every day.

What are the little things you do for yourself? How do you bounce of the negative remarks from others? I'd love to hear what you think!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Preparation is key

To quote my father/coach/etc, "Preparation, preparation, preparation." This one little word is the key to me maintaining my sanity as I run around from place to place. I have to stay organized because my biggest pitfall is procrastination... (haha college helped a lot with that). This means for the last two weeks at home in Birmingham I've been doing just that. This means daily planning out my days with practice plans and goals to accomplish, planning out my workouts, and planning and preparing ahead of time what I'm going to eat. Tomorrow I'm traveling to Arizona for the Arizona Open. To be ready for tomorrow I've obviously packed and double/ triple checked my golf equipment, but I've also packed snacks I'll need for the trip and my handy/ dandy fitness bands and workout dvds so there's no excuse not to exercise. You see when I'm organized and I know I've done everything I can to take care of myself my golf game shines! So to quote my college coach Kim Evans its all about taking care of each piece of the pie.  Now then, I'm fit and ready physically, mentally, emotionally to play my best golf so I can put myself in the winner's circle at the end of the tourney :)

Til next time, Hit em straight!

Here's the recipe for this week: PowerProtein Balls

Easy to make and perfect to take along.
1 3/4 c oatmeal , 1/2 muesli (or granola, or more oatmeal), 1 scoop protein powder, 4 tbsp peanut butter, 4 tbsp flax seed.

Now: Mix all ingredients together add water as needed to get a thick consistency and then either make balls or spread into a pan then freeze!

This recipe made 27 balls for me.
Each has 48 calories, 2 g fat, 5 g carb, 1.5 g fiber, and 3 g protein

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

work with me

Hi all, yeah so i intially planned on writing a lot sooner than a month from my first post! well lets see if i can fill you in on whats been going on. I've been traveling from New York for a futures tour event to California for the first stage of q-school (qualifying school for the LPGA) and I just came back from Florida from the 2nd attempt to qualify for q-school. Unfortunately I did not accomplish what i needed to....which freakin sucks! I'm not going to lie its been a major blow to not qualify for final stage of tour school so that my plan of playing on the LPGA tour next year would be taken care of.  The scores just haven't been showing up even though i've been playing great enough golf. Thats what i'm learning.... i expect a long career and some times there are set backs but the goal is to have shorter and shorter set backs. So I have two options: 1) to be upset and depressed because my plan isn't exactly unfolding as planned or 2) go qualify for the Furtures tour and the European Tour and go kick ass at the tournaments i play in. So I pick option 2 to keep playing the game I love with my head held high full of optimism for a great year. So currently I am home in Birmingham, Al. For the next two weeks, in preparation for my next tournament in Phoneix, I am fully committing to working on my game and getting it ready to go out and contend in Phoneix because that is why I practice, work out, and eat well for. You guys will hear over and over about my following of the Clean Eat Diet ( It is simply eating clean foods such as lean meats, veggies, fruits, and complete whole grains throughout the day and avoiding processed foods. So for the next two weeks I following the strictest version of the diet called cooler 1 so i can undo some of the travel and unclean eating i have consumed from simply traveling the last few months. Ok so thats it for now! Since i have the perfect time now....this week I will be working on my blog and hopefully i will be rewarded with readers!!!

with love